Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The danger of squibs and fire crackers to people and animals in Guyana, South America

November 1, 2008

Dear Editor:

The danger of squibs and fire crackers to people and animals

Both people and animals are fearful of high pitched noises but animals in particular have an extremely sensitive sense of hearing for high pitched sounds better than humans. Such noise pollution from squibs and fire crackers not only hurt the ears of animals but it also frightens and excites them to run wildly endangering the safety of them and people who may be in their path.

Other forms of loud noise that terrify animals is the rumbling of thunder and lightening, a natural force of nature, the regular and constant honking horns from vehicles, an impulse carved in drivers. But since we have no cure for the two outlined and to stop the addition of squibs and fire crackers to becoming yet another menace to an already social disorder, it should be prohibited.

Some side effects on people from fire crackers is the inhalation of sulphur, hearing loss, sleeping disturbances and sudden exposure to loud noise can cause temporary or permanent deafness. The effects on animals is even more severe because of their sensitive ear drums, they break loose from their environs and run aimlessly and far away from the piercing noise. Many pet owners loose their dogs this way never to see them again. All dogs will bark hysterically upon hearing squibs and fire crackers.

It is important for each one of us to act as responsible citizens and discourage the use of fire crackers and squibs. Parents and children should be educated and need to understand that bursting fire crackers is risky, harmful and dangerous. Fire crackers have injured people in the past and it is important to understand that prevention is better than cure.

The recent use of fire crackers and squibs should never have taken place in areas where people and animals co-habitate for the safety of either one. The Government must get involved to ban this dangerous practice and impose severe charges against all individuals who promote this threat. This is an unconscionable act of selfishness and self interest for those looking for fun without a thought for respecting decent people and the welfare of animals.

Yours faithfully
Zenobia Williams

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