Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Proper breeding methods of dogs is not the answer in Guyana, South America

February 19, 2008

Dear Editor:

Proper breeding methods of dogs is not the answer

If Mr. M. Xiu Quan-Balgobind-Hackett is in agreement with the breeding of dogs then he should take the time to look around the environs other than Georgetown and observe the countless strays or homeless dogs populating the roadways.

He should also observe with empathy their daily struggle dodging in and out of heavy traffic needless to say many are hit and left to die on roadways. I have seen dozens of dead dogs all across our roadways yet we need to encourage people to breed puppies for their livelihood with no humane thoughtfulness for the welfare and protection of such animals.

Here is the answer Mr. Hackett for your approval of proper breeding methods of dogs, standby, while many people are breeding special breed dogs such as pitbulls to wager them in the bloody underground dog fighting circle while human beings stand around cheering, laughing and applauding the dogs to viciously rip each other apart. Is that humanely acceptable?

What about the breeding of foreign small dogs to sell the puppies because now everyone in Guyana wants a special type puppy. Then the cycle of reproducing these small breed fancies to profit off their innocent lives for personal gains becomes a business. Puppies are not commodities to sell like stuff toys in a store. They are “a life and voiceless” and can face a fate of suffering by neglectful people.

Now we have the common breed dogs to deal with that are discarded on the roads by many people to now accommodate the newly bred dogs, the likes of Doberman, pit bulls and cute small dogs to mention a few. Our common breed dogs are now at the mercy of abandonment yet pavement dog breeders should be schooled on proper methods to reproduce their dogs. I will not endorse dog breeding of any type whatsoever. There is an over-population of dogs on planet earth.

Perhaps Mr. Hackett should peruse the websites of the Toronto Humane Society and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International to get an idea of the thousands of dogs euthanized every year for lack of space at shelters and lack of adoption. These renowned establishments in North America preach spaying and neutering to stop world over population.

Even here at our own GSPCA, lack of space is a problem to accommodate the numerous common breed dogs taken in everyday. Go figure what is done with them. Sad but true.

Stop breeding puppies for sale they are not toys. Guyana has an over-population of street dogs
suffering, abused and helpless.

Yours faithfully,
Zenobia Williams

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