Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Please re-enact laws to protect and stop abuse of animals in Guyana, South America

June 28, 2007

Please re-enact laws to protect and stop abuse of animals

Dear Editor:

It is time for national public awareness to stop the sins of cruelty against selfless voiceless animals primarily dogs, supposedly man’s best friend, and time for authorities to establish strict laws to prosecute people who viciously abuse animals.

Just recently a distressing article in your dailies brought attention to readers about a dog imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement in a chicken pen for three years. (This might not be an isolated case throughout our nation).

With coconut shells tossed in his cage for food after his persecutor drank the water, was a bare necessity for survival that shrunk him to skin and bones. He was deprived of basic food and water. Needless to mention, his confine was contaminated. How cruel can the human heart sink to a heartless heart.

Our humane capacity to feel hunger and thirst, to undergo enormous pain and misery bear no difference for animals who share the exact same capability.

In the name of humanity with a living conscience, this helpless creature was condemn to captivity and solitary confinement for years. What was his crime? Barking and in need of water, a little food, kindness and consideration. This creature was denied the supreme human law of kindness that systematically reduced him to mental and physical illness. Eventually his demise; he is now in doggie heaven.

How many times this broken spirited creature looked in the eyes of his cruel captor and asked in silence, why, what is my crime to deserve your wicked oppression; I have been loyal and obedient but you have dishonored my innocence with persecution.

Far beyond the worse nightmare of animals who realize their fate as one of severe punishment and brutality by their cruel oppressors is the fact that they are defenseless, voiceless and feeble against the might of man. It is the power of the mighty man over the vulnerable and weak for dominance but yet it remains a terrible unforgiving crime for anyone who abuse animals.

I appeal to all to expose people who harm animals with neglect of starvation, solitary confinement and other forms of punishment by immediately calling the animal clinic (GSPCA) at 226-4237. Any form of physical cruelty on animals is a human crime. Every criminal act is a conscious person who is conscious of the act.

Yours faithfully
Zenobia Williams
Animal Advocate


  1. God empowered me with a high human spirit to love animals and gave me the revelation to advocate their wellbeing and protection in allowing them the freedom of right to roam and survive within boundaries of their own habitat. When cruel humans physically and mentally abuse innocent, helpless and voiceless animals, it is an unforgiving crime. I believe the majority of humans throughout the world are kind to animals but there are many others who brutalize and kill these living creatures. Mankind has a conscious mind and is conscious of acts of violence to know it is morally wrong when they perpetuate henious crimes against animals. It is the mighty man over the weak and vulnerable animals. I want such people to discover that their hearts have lost the fundamental human kindness for animals and it is time to dig deeply and rediscover a heart can be mended. I know all kinds of people good and bad make up this world but never will I comprehend the mind of heartless human beings. I believe that any type of crime is punishable either by the law of the land or by the law of a higher force. I am a passionate animal advocate speaking out for the voiceless who cannot protect themselves and who depend on humanity to treat them kindly and considerately. In return and justly so, many of us do, and unjustly so, many of us don't. I oftentimes wondered why GOD did not create a separate planet for his creatures. But then HIS WORD was that he wanted people and animals to live peacefully and he provided some animals for domesticated purposes. From the dept of my soul and heart, it is my hope that people who are constantly unkind to animals to rise up and check your conscience to understand that your actions will carry a reaction sometime in our lifetime. Be the victim of cruelty as in the case of abused animals, stop,think and say, "animals have feelings, they have a central nervous system, the 5 senses as humans, (namely: seeing, hearing, feeling, touching and breathing), their bodies have bones, joints, blood, cells, brain, a heart, skin; they procreate as humans do, they need food and water to survive as humans do; animals contract diseases as humans do. In essence, animals and people are here to live out their natural lives sharing one earth. People please have the simple common sense for each other to live in harmony with respect and compassion for our voiceless. Thank you and if you share my profound and gentle thoughts of compassion for animals, you are richly blessed. And if you share my thoughts (together with your own) with others then the cycle of education and awareness to treat animals kindly will continue. Animal cruelty and immense suffering is world wide; the beautiful elephants and horses, tigers, etc, all in their own habitat invaded and slaughterd by killer people. Humanity's best friend, our beloved dogs, who would defend and protect their owners to the end, are food for some people of nations. This shatters my heart. I have an incredible love for all breed dogs - a special gift to humanity from the Almighty Supreme God. Yet, some of us trample on the goodness of this incredible gift with sheer disregard and disloyaly. But the loyalty forever remain with our four legged friends despite uncaring masters. I encourage all you kind people to speak out and protest crimes of abuse, slaughtering, deplorable and cruel puppy mills, animals brutally trained for circus acts and every other act of abuse against animals. They will forever be amongst us. They make us happy, bring us special joy, children love animals, animals love people. Please share and provide your help for the salvation of suffering animals all over the world.

    Zenobia Williams

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Zenobia,
    Nice to see you got your blog up and running. Congratulations! I made a link to it.
    With regard to this post I'd add the name and/or contact (email address of the editor) of the newspaper it was originally sent to at the top.
    With regard to the above entry, please note that the five (5) senses include the sense of smell, or olfactory sense. Breathing is not one of the five senses; rather, a function of the respiratory system. In the same light, you may want to mention that all animals have a heart, but, ironically, no animals have cruel hearts. That is a deplorable quality reserved exclusively for some humans. Certainly much education in this respect is needed, as well as cultural changes, as in some Asian countries dogs are still skinned alive and eaten. See http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html
    which is a site that tells people what they can do to help the change the situation in Red China with respect to their killing dogs.
    Good luck with your blog.
    God bless all creatures great and small!

  4. Hey Zenobia,
    I was trying to get the link in the above post to work which is why it was posted twice. I removed the first copy as the link was not active in either post. Maybe you have to adjust a setting to permit links.

  5. Hey Zenobia,
    Your observations clearly indicate the need for education with respect to the humane treatment of animals. Perhaps the churches, schools, government and other private groups need to organize and work to not only help people in poverty, but to also help educate them with respect to the humane treatment of animals.
    God bless all creatures great and small,
