Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This inhuman wrong to a dog - Guyana, South America

March 24, 2007

This inhuman wrong to a dog

Dear Editor:

I am compelled to respond to another disturbing issue written by Ms Syeada Manbodh who once again brings to light a violent crime perpetuated on the life of a dog.

This unspeakable crime tells of a dog severely chopped across the abdomen and badly mangled with intestines protruding. I am desperately fighting to express my rage and to comprehend which evil spirit could possibly possess a human being to the point of slaughtering a helpless dog left to perish all alone.

Where is the perpetrator? Why is the perpetrator walking freely and drinking water when in fact he should be denied that basic essential and brought to justice to face a harsh punishment for a savage crime. Why are person(s) not coming forward to give the police a tip off, it is the humane thing to do. Why is this person not being hunted to face the law and why is there no reward or incentive offered for capture.

Fact of the matter, our laws governing the protection and welfare of animals are long dormant and the authorities too seem to be dormant, as such, cruelty to animals will never cease unless people, who care for animals, stand up and use their democratic right to protest the atrocities mete out to animals.

Citizens I implore you to use your heart and compassion to not overlook the everyday cruelty to animals and reach out to help. They were created with sensitivity like humans to equally feel significant physical pain.

It was courageous of Ms Manbodh to lift up this fatally wounded dog and to dignify his final moments to let him know that there is someone with trust and loyalty.

Please authorities, world wide animal cruelty is punishable by law, re-enact and enforce your ruling to defend the safety of animals. They will forever be around.

Yours faithfully
Zenobia Williams
Animal Advocate

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