Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Owners of Cart Horses in Guyana, South America

January 21, 2008

Dear Editor:

Owners of Cart Horses

Although the theoretical math from a regular writer explaining his reasons why cart horses can heave burdensome loads such as 30 sacks of cement (3,300 lbs) is in his opinion, an adequate load to haul depending on the mass and health of the animal is questionable.

Let us argue that a horse is as strong as a lion or even stronger, how can anyone be the good judge to decide the strength and capacity of the horse is equal to, less than, or is in greater proportion to the weight of the load and so it is acceptable to haul.

While recently travelling through various areas that are loading zones for lumber and cement for cart horses to pull, fully loaded and oftentimes over-loaded, I ask myself how this lone horse is ever going to manage to pull this huge load and how far a distance he has to go before being relieved of his burden or before he collapses.

Even when he builds up a momentum by trotting to heave his burdensome load, how can anyone take for granted including the owner that this horse is not under pressure but what the heck the job has to be done and delivery has to be just in time.

To add pain to fury, the owner I will call Spartacus, proceeds to whip the horse pulling a laden cart to trot or gallop faster in a manner so oblivious to the overstrain and burden down animal maybe at this point suffering from exhaustion.

A charge of cruelty to owners of horse carts is imminent when it is visible and eye witness by the general public everyday all across the roads nationwide that many owners do use harsh methods like whipping using the rope or hitting with a stick. This I have seen several times with over laden carts of scrap iron, cement and wood.

These working horses are doing hard labour all day to provide a living for their master and in return for their service I believe they deserve humane treatment and respect from their owners for toiling in the hot sun all their lives. Is it possible to put owners before the cart to feel the punishment they dish out.

Yours faithfully
Zenobia Williams

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