Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Help the human-animal bond with faith in Guyana, South America

May 3, 2010

Help the Human-Animal Bond with Faith

Dear Editor:

I refer to a letter of May 1 caption “Is this how cruel people have become”, where the writer was traumatized over a horse on the road with a slit stomach and that no one seem interested in assisting the wounded horse. If this horse was hit by a vehicle it would have suffered internal injuries minor or serious, but never a slit stomach.

What nature of human beings does not have the inborn sense of emotion to find the faith in his heart of knowing that fatally wounding an innocent living animal that populate around people is the lowest of human quality. With deep sadness I state that these animals are better than the people who violently are cruel to them. The evil that men do lives within them. A higher force will deal with the punishment.

When animals are bodily abused as seem to be the norm, a beautiful image for Guyana and tourism, and where their injuries are vivid to everyone on the streets, many locals think these animals are garbage and worthless so they turn a blind eye to a living creature suffering in silence. How low can the human heart sink.

Having faith in God who created all living things is having the strength of will to control and holdback one’s corrupt actions. Faith in our Creator is what strengthens our hearts, our spirits and our minds that will empower us to live in peace with each other. Mankind and animals that both share the earth for habitat.

I assume the poor, downtrodden and under-achievers do not read the newspapers and clearly have no clue about all the letters highlighting extreme animal cruelty. But I am sure the majority may have a small TV because it is easier to watch TV than read the newspapers, therefore, authorities need to reach out with announcements on the proper treatment of animals.

Especially with children who grow up to become productive citizens but without a human character taught by elders to respect animals, the cycle of abuse of animals will continue. Children abroad are fond of animals in the zoo, in the barn, on the farm lands and in animal sanctuaries. Thus, they grow up having respect and kindness for animals.

The reported cases of animal cruelty is seen mostly in the city so all others are at the mercy of the Lord. I do not dismiss other serious and pressing matters facing Guyana, however, without voices for the voiceless how do we learn to treat animals kindly and touch the hearts of some humans who seem heartless for animals.

Zenobia Williams
Animal Advocate

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