Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Owners of Pit Bulls in Guyana, South America

March 2, 2008

Dear Editor

Owners of Pit Bulls

In your publication 01/03/2008 “woman held after loosing pit bulls on children” has not been the first incident and will not be the last if people are not well-informed about the temperament of this breed dog.

By no means are these dogs people-haters or people-eaters. Their natural aggressive tendencies are toward other dogs and animals, however, if they are properly socialized they will not even be aggressive with other animals or people.

Pit bulls are truly quality companions for quality owners only. For the most part, they are very friendly but not recommended for most people. A minimum of training will produce a tranquil, obedient dog. When properly trained and socialized, this is a very good dog and a great family companion.

Unfortunately, some choose to promote the fighting instinct in the breed, giving it a bad name. At one time the pit bull was a much loved, trustworthy companion. Responsible ownership starts from the time your pit bull comes to live with you. Irresponsible owners are one of the major causes for all the problems the breed faces today.

Dogs are not the problem and people must recognize this fact. People are the problem and until we find a way to educate people against their wilful actions to allow dogs to bite and terrorize the public we will never stop the problem. On the other hand, people become fearful of all dogs because people bring out the worst in pit bulls.

It is my opinion that the executive of the GSPCA the only animal organization throughout Guyana situated at Orange Walk and Bourda has an obligation to the general public to demonstrate awareness by way of using the media.

A simple one minute advertisement on the radio and TV could illustrate don’t loose your dogs to attack people or you could be prosecuted, keep them in fenced in yards, be kind to animals, leave food and water, report any sighted cruelty, etc. Everyone in Guyana has a TV. It is called communication. Until such time, there will no change unless people are made aware.

It is regrettable that citizens and inspectors of the GSPCA were needlessly bitten and traumatized.

Yours faithfully
Zenobia Williams

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